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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Welcome to Woman's Guide !!!

Why do even a celebrity like Vidya Balan go dirty...

...and how do Taslima Nasrin have the moral guts to
maintain her poise even in highly challenging
situations that she had to face... 
Woman's Guide is completely yours if you feel free to discuss here your problems... personal, social or familial... Any kind of problems that vex you in your day-to-day life. Be it your relationship, your love, your likes and dislikes, your sex, your personality, your doubts 

and inhibitions... Your neighbor, your boss, your office and most importantly, problems relating to you as an independent person, a free woman making decisions... and inherent roadblocks to your ambition.

We have a panel of experts from different fields to discuss your problems.

You can write your problems in some detail to get them discussed and examined by our panel of experts.

Be bold enough to lay bare your bosom and mind.

Be adventurous enough to achieve your ambitions. 

Be open and transparent enough to accept your doubts and inhibitions.

This will greatly help our experts provide you amazing solutions even to your most complicated help you emerge a totally different and dynamic person in whatever field you are.